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Patellar Tendinopathy [ or jumpers knee] is a common leg problem in athletes.

The patellar tendon connects the kneecap to the tibia /leg bone.

The cause of patellar tendinopathy is often a combination of  overuse from inappropriate training , muscle imbalance and poor foot biomechanics .

At Swords physiotherapy we will take a detailed hsitory of the problem. Please bring your running shoes so we can look at them and see if they could be contributing to the problem.  This will give us clues to causative factors which are important to determine so that recurrance  of the problem can be avoided.

A full examination and biomechanical analysis  of the lower limbs will be preformed. This will enable us to prescribe appropriate therapeutic exercises.  As with all tendinopathy it is a minimum if  12 weeks  rehab will be needed.

Biomechanic foot orthoses may be prescribed to correct poor foot mechanics.

A course of Shockwave therapy – ESWT   has been shown to help optimise recovery from this condition . This modality is particularly useful for chronic cases which are slow or non responsive to traditional physiotherpy / controlled loading programs.