Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction

Sacroiliac joint dysfunction is a common cause of lower back and pelvic area pain.It is a common cause of low back pain in pregnancy. It can also become dysfunctional after a fall or car accident.

The S.I. joint is the joint connecting the large triangular shaped bone at the base of the spine to the pelvic bones. It is very strong as it needs to support the full weight of the body.  Dysfunction of it can cause pain in the lower back, hips, groin or thighs. Pain is typically worse standing- especially standing on 1 leg and walking. Lying down usually eases  the pain. The problem is more common in pregnancy due to the hormonal influences on the joints supporting ligaments combines with the weight gain. Pain in this area can also be related to rheumatic conditions such as anklyosing spondylitis.

The physiotherapy assessment will check leg length, muscle strength and joint positions. Treatment will then be commenced. It may involve muscle energy techniques, manipulation , dry needling ,muscle stretching and muscle strengthening. Heat and electrotherapeutic modalities may also be used for pain control.

Core muscle strenghtening is an important part of managing a sacro-iliac joint problem. The pelvic floor muscles, deep abdominals, deep back muscles and gluteal muscles will need to be strengthened. Our exercise software enables us to e mail or print the exercise program and track the progress of our patients

Once discharged from our care we often advise patients to consider taking up Pilates classes. This will further strengthen the core muscles and reinforce the exercises learned in physiotherapy.


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16 Chapel Lane, Swords
Co. Dublin, K67 X2T8

  • Convenient location in Swords village
  • Free on site client parking.
  • Ground Level Access

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Our experienced chartered physiotherapists look forward to putting you on the path to recovery