Metatarsalgia occurs in women more frequently than men. It causes pain in the ball of the foot. Sometimes a patch of hard skin can develop in the center of the foot and footwear can become worn in this area. In severe cases a Mortons neuroma may develop which has similar symptoms but also numbness and tingling.
CAUSES; The burning pain is causes by a nerve being irritated/ pinched by the metatarsal bones if they become “dropped” out of alignment. Weak foot muscles and poor foot biomechanics are the main contributing factors.
TREATMENT; The physiotherapist will firstly assess the foot biomechanics [bony alignment], then the muscle strength and flexibility in the foot and ankle. Based on findings a treatment plan will be devised which will usually involve exercises, electrotherapeutic modalities to relieve pain and orthotics [shoe inserts such as metatarsal pads, arch supports etc.]