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Phone: (01) 8404280


16 Chapel Lane, Swords
Co. Dublin, K67 X2T8

  • Convenient location in Swords village.
  • Ground Level Access.
  • On street parking in front of clinic.
  • Limited Free on site client parking.
  • Close to Main Street Bus Stops.


From MAIN ST. SWORDS- traveling north [towards Swords castle] turn right at what was “the Star” pub – now renamed “The Arch”, onto Chapel Lane -Fingal Co. Council offices will now be on your left. The Church and graveyard are on the  right side of the road. No. 16 is a house directly opposite the church gates . Physiotherapists name plates are on house and  garden wall. The house has a red front door .

“Pay and display ” parking on Chapel Lane and Foster way.

From Donabate and Portrane to Swords physiotherapy- drive south on the N1. At the Seatown Road roundabout [where Woodies DIY store is] take 3rd exit towards Swords, continue past schools on right side of road until you reach St. Columcilles Drive on the left- turn onto it and continue to end of the road. Turn left onto Chapel Lane. No. 16 is a house directly opposite the church gates . Physiotherapists name plates are on house and  garden wall. The house has a red front door .

Street parking is ” Pay and Display” on Chapel lane and Foster way.

From Ballyboughal/Rolestown to Swords Physiotherapy- drive along Rathbeale road towards Swords. At Swords Castle turn right onto Main Street then take first left onto Chapel Lane.No. 16 is a house directly opposite the church gates . Physiotherapists name plates are on house and  garden wall. The house has a red front door

Street parking is “pay and Display”.

From Malahide to Swords physiotherapy-drive towards Swords.  At the Malahide Road roundabout [ Pavillions Shopping Center] take 4th exit and continue north on the dual carraigeway to the next roundabout [Seatown Roundabout]. Take 1st exit turning left towards Swords. continue past schools on right side of road until you reach St. Columcilles Drive on the left- turn onto it and continue to end of the road.  Turn left onto Chapel Lane.No. 16 is a house directly opposite the church gates .  Physiotherapists name plates are on the house and  garden wall. The house has a red front door .


Pay and display parking on Chapel Lane and Foster Way

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Our experienced chartered physiotherapists look forward to putting you on the path to recovery