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Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo  is a type of vertigo which lasts just for moments after changing position. Typically patients notice it most turning in bed or sitting up after lying down.  The patient feels  like the room is spining but  this lasts less than 30 seconds.  It is caused by a problem with the balance receptors in the inner ear . Small calcium crystals in the semi circular canals  can become displaced and lead to this disorder.

We always work closely with the patients G.P as it is important to rule out other causes of dizziness- such as blood pressure or neurological problems.

At Swords Physiotherapy our physiotherapists have trained in canylith [ the small calcuim crystals described above] repositioning manoevers.  For approriate pateints this is a highly successful treatment.

However patients sometimes report feeling light headed after treatment so we advsie that patients get someone else to drive them home.

Balance exercises may be prescribed if a balance deficit is detected on examination.